Jeremiah 29 vs. 13

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye search for me with all your heart. ~Jeremiah Ch 29 vs. 13

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baptism Question

I know I only have two followers, but I can see from my stats that more people check in. So I have a question. What is your take on infant baptism over youth/adult baptism? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Dear God,

Thank you for today. Help my have a good night sleep. In Jesus Name, I love Jesus.

In Jesus Name,


Sometimes the simplicity and the unconditional love of a child, reminds you that faith doesn't need to be complicated.

I say Amen to my 4 year olds prayer. Simple, Sincere and True.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I don't have much to blog about today. I am so incredibly tired, but the day could have been terrible and I am thankful that when we got in the car my kids had to listen to the oh oh oh oh song.  It's my theme song today. It's not a gospel track, but a great song none the less!